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neon - 一个安全的 Rust 抽象层用于原生 Node.js 模块

一个安全的 Rust 抽象层用于原生 Node.js 模块。
neon 保护所有句柄的JavaScript堆,即使他们分配上Rust 栈,确保对象总是安全地跟踪被垃圾收集器。

Getting started

Install neon-cli as a global npm package:

npm install -g neon-cli

To create a new Neon project, use neon new:

neon new my-project

This will ask you a few questions and then generate a project skeleton for you. Follow the instructions from there to build and run your project!


You'll need the following on all OSes:

  • Node v4 or later;
  • Rust v1.5 or later;
  • multirust (only required for Neon projects that override the system default Rust).

For Mac OS X, you'll need:

  • OS X 10.7 or later;
  • XCode.

A Taste...

A Neon function takes a Call object and produces either a handle to a value or the Throw constant (meaning a JS exception was thrown). The Call object provides access to a memory management scope, which safely manages the rooting of handles to heap objects:

fn make_an_array(call: Call) -> JS<Array> {      let scope = call.scope; // the current scope for rooting handles      let array: Handle<Array> = Array::new(scope, 3);      try!(array.set(0, Integer::new(scope, 9000)));      try!(array.set(1, Object::new(scope)));      try!(array.set(2, Number::new(scope, 3.14159)));      Ok(array)  }

For a more complete demonstration, try building a hello world with neon new, or check out the slightly bigger word count demo.

Get Involved

The Neon community is just getting started and there's tons of fun to be had. Come play! :)

The Rust Bridge community Slack is open to all; use the Slackin app to receive an invitation.

There's also an IRC channel at #neon on Mozilla IRC (irc.mozilla.org).



项目地址: https://github.com/rustbridge/neon

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Node.js 开发 Neon