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Node.js的MVC Web框架:trails

Trails是一个现代,社区驱动的node.js web 应用开发框架。构建在RailsGrails 核心思想之上通过坚持一个简单的,约定俗成为基础,API驱动的设计理念加快开发。

Getting Started


$ npm install -g generator-trails  $ yo trails


Trails uses Yeoman to generate scaffolding for new applications, and to create resources inside the application.

$ yo trails --help    Usage:    yo trails    Generators:      Create New Model      yo trails:model <model-name>      Create New Controller      yo trails:controller <controller-name>      Create New Policy      yo trails:policy <policy-name>      Create New Service      yo trails:service <service-name>


Once installation is complete, begin your journey!

$ npm start

Happy Trails!


Trailpacks extend the framework's capabilities and allow developers to leverage existing ecosystem tools through a simple and well-defined API. New features, behavior, APIs, and other functionality can be added to the Trails framework through Trailpacks.

Out of the box, Trails includes a small suite of trailpacks:


  • Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Node 4.0 and newer


Q. Does Trails have a Roadmap?

Yes! We have a Trail Map that lays out our future plans and release schedule. Feel free to contribute your ideas.

Q. Why does Trails require Node 4+?

Trails is written entirely in ES6, and runs natively on Node without transpiling. If you'd like to use Trails on an older version of node, you can install babel and configure it to transpile your application into ES5.

Q. Is Trails compatible with Sails?

Trails can auto-migrate legacy Sails applications by installing the Sails Trailpack. We want this upgrade to be as smooth as possible, and are committed to maintaining it as a core module.

Q. Is Trails a fork of Sails?

No. Trails is built and maintained by former members of the Sails.js core team, and offers an upgrade path from existing Sails applications, but it utilizes exactly zero lines of code from the original Sails project.

Q. Can I use my own ORM, Webserver, whatever?

Yes! The core team maintains several popular trailpacks, but you are free to implement your own integration and use that instead or in addition to the core packs. See the Trailpack docs for more info.



项目地址: https://github.com/trailsjs/trails

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trails Node.js 开发