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1. ContentShare

ContentShare is a best jQuery plugin that lets you share the exact content on a page which you desire to share. Yes, you heard it correct share the selected text on your social network. It supports 非死book and 推ter by default and you can add more networks easily.


Demo | Download

2. Alter Position jQuery UI Tooltip

Alter Position jQuery UI Tooltip plugin helps alter position according to the situation.


Demo | Download

3. jQuery Track Evertyhing

Track Everything is a jQuery plugin to help users track Google Analytics Events. It is a useful plugin not just for developers, designers and marketers but then it can be easily written into plugins for CMSs like WordPress.


4. Owl Carousel

Owl Carousel is a touch enabled jQuery plugin that enables you to create beautiful responsive carousel slider.


Demo | Download 

5. Input Limits

Input Limits by Nicolas Zhao is a jQuery plugin to limit the length of characters of entered by user in the textarea.


6. Scrollable jQuery UI Autocomplete

Scrollable jQuery UI Autocomplete Plugin as the name clearly says is for long items list.


Demo | Download

7. Excolo-Slider

Excolo Slider is one simple jQuery slider plugin that supporting responsive design and touch comes with features like autoplay slideshow, mouse slider navigation, pagination and many others to help slide images easily.


Demo | Download

8. jQuery dynamicForm

dynamicForm by Ian Ashcroft is a jQuery plugin for dynamic form section management.


Demo | Download

9. jQuery Doge

Doge by Jesús Roldán is a jQuery plugin that enables displaying text like doge meme.


Demo | Download

10. CarouFredSel

carouFredSel is powerful yet flexible way of adding carousel’s to your website. It turns HTML elements into a carousel and has its own WordPress plugin.


Demo | Download 

11. jquery.rotation

Rotation by Piotr Murach is a responsive and mobile enabled jQuery plugin that helps create rotating content like image carousel, slider and rotating testimonials from 推ter.


12. FailSafe

FailSafe is a latest  jQuery plugin that promises to help your application work in correct way even in peril situations. When a user loses net connectivity or laptop battery goes out, a very user-friendly message appears.


Stay tuned for more helpful and best jQuery plugins which we will be coming with next year. And yes, don’t forget to check out our yearly and monthly roundup which we will post in coming days. Also, let us know of any useful jQuery plugin you think is worth sharing.