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  1. Materialize

This particular framework utilizes much of the new elements, components and styles that you will see around the work quite often. It even incorporates Google’s Material design, thus the name. There are two different versions of this one, standard and SASS. Of course, the SASS version will give you greater control over what components are included.


  1. Material UI

This is a Less CSS framework that has been combined with a brilliant collection of React-powered components that always come in handy. As with the name, well, just know that it incorporates Google’s Material Design into its components, just like the framework mentioned before this one. This framework is available as an npm package.


  1. Material Design for Bootstrap

This is a theme for Bootstrap 3, as is fairly obvious by the name. It will quickly and quite easily let you design specs from Material Design even in your own project based on Bootstrap.


  1. Material Framework

This particular framework has a smaller scope compared to the ones mentioned before it, and even the ones that are coming up, but this one is very lightweight. It only includes components based on CSS, and as well know, CSS is one handy little thing us developers have got going on, this framework should help you quite a lot in your endeavors.


  1. Themosis WordPress Framework

This particular Framework employs the use of modern PHP features that include, but are not limited to namespaces, etc. It is also composer ready and you will find that it is a perfect mix between WordPress best practices and your typical MVC framework.


  1. PowerToCSS

This particular framework is based on the principles of SMACSS and DRY. It is a very lightweight framework containing CSS components. If you are looking to quickly get started on a project you may want to try this framework out.


  1. Kouto Swiss

This is a brilliant framework based on CSS components for Stylus. It will give you a host of mixins, utilities and functions in order to help you code a lot quicker than you normally would.


  1. Muffin

This is not exactly a framework, but it still warrants a worthy mention in this particular list. It is a web template primarily, that is focused on design. You can use this for creating static websites using Jekyll and SASS. This ‘framework’ will take advantage of common practices from inuit.css, Boilerplate and Bootstrap etc. to get you into coding right away.


  1. csstyle

If you are looking to create stylesheets that easy to maintain, you may want to try this framework out. It is based on modern principles. The process in this framework is implemented using a set of SASS mixins. These mixins will make CSS very semantic and readable. It will also generate selectors and handle specificity and nesting.


  1. Furtive

Finally, we have a mobile-first framework and it is awesome, since more and more people are more oriented towards phones these days. Anyway, this framework has a rather small footprint and it is quite lightweight too. Why shouldn’t it be? It doesn’t have to worry about all those different browser versions etc. This framework is also available in SCSS, CSS etc.
