Agera 一个来自谷歌官方的超轻量Android库
<p><img alt="" src=""></p> <p>Agera(在瑞典语中表示“行动”)是超轻量Android库,可以为生命周期内不同形式的Android应用组件(如:活动组件Activities)或对象(如:视图对象Views)提供待用数据。该Android库引入函数响应编程机制,有利于数据处理过程中清晰划分时间、地点、要素等内容,因此只需使用拟自然语言简单说明便能描述复杂的异步处理过程。</p> <p>下列演示了Agera的某些功能。该Wiki内容和Java文档说了Agera 各部分工作机制。</p> <pre> <code class="language-java">public class AgeraActivity extends Activity implements Receiver<Bitmap>, Updatable { private static final ExecutorService NETWORK_EXECUTOR = newSingleThreadExecutor(); private static final ExecutorService DECODE_EXECUTOR = newSingleThreadExecutor(); private Repository<Result<Bitmap>> background; private ImageView backgroundView; @Override protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Set the content view setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Find the background view backgroundView = (ImageView) findViewById(; // Create a repository containing the result of a bitmap request. Initially absent, but // configured to fetch the bitmap over the network based on display size. background = repositoryWithInitialValue(Result.<Bitmap>absent()) .observe() // Optionally refresh the bitmap on events. In this case, never .onUpdatesPerLoop() // Refresh per Looper thread loop. In this case, never .getFrom(new Supplier<HttpRequest>() { @NonNull @Override public HttpRequest get() { DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int size = Math.max(displayMetrics.heightPixels, displayMetrics.widthPixels); return httpGetRequest( "" + size) .compile(); } }) // Supply an HttpRequest based on the display size .goTo(NETWORK_EXECUTOR) // Change execution to the network executor .attemptTransform(httpFunction()) .orSkip() // Make the actual http request, skip on failure .goTo(DECODE_EXECUTOR) // Change execution to the decode executor .thenTransform(new Function<HttpResponse, Result<Bitmap>>() { @NonNull @Override public Result<Bitmap> apply(@NonNull HttpResponse response) { byte[] body = response.getBody(); return absentIfNull(decodeByteArray(body, 0, body.length)); } }) // Decode the successful http response to the result of a bitmap, absent on failure .onDeactivation(SEND_INTERRUPT) // Interrupt http request/decode on deactivation .compile(); // Create the repository } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); background.addUpdatable(this); // Start listening to the repository, triggering the flow } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); background.removeUpdatable(this); // Stop listening to the repository, deactivating it } @Override public void update() { // Called as the repository is updated background.get().ifSucceededSendTo(this); // If containing a valid bitmap, send to accept below } @Override public void accept(@NonNull Bitmap background) { backgroundView.setImageBitmap(background); // Set the background bitmap to the background view } }</code></pre> <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:</p> <p>本文转自:深度开源(</p> <p>原文标题:Agera 一个来自谷歌官方的超轻量Android库</p> <p>原文地址:</p>
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