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PostgreSQL 用CPU "硬解码" 提升1倍 数值运算能力 助力金融大数据量计算

来自: http://yq.aliyun.com/articles/7482

PostgreSQL 支持的数字类型包括整型,浮点,以及PG自己实现的numeric数据类型。

src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c    src/backend/utils/adt/float.c  

numeric可以存储非常大的数字,超过2^17次方个数字长度。提升了精度的同时,也带来了性能的损耗,不能充分利用CPU 的 “硬解码”能力。

typedef struct NumericVar    {            int                     ndigits;                /* # of digits in digits[] - can be 0! */            int                     weight;                 /* weight of first digit */            int                     sign;                   /* NUMERIC_POS, NUMERIC_NEG, or NUMERIC_NAN */            int                     dscale;                 /* display scale */            NumericDigit *buf;                      /* start of palloc'd space for digits[] */            NumericDigit *digits;           /* base-NBASE digits */    } NumericVar;  



如果你玩过greenplum, deepgreen, vitessedb ,也能发现在这些数据库产品的测试手册中,会提到使用money, float8类型来替换原有的numeric类型来进行测试。可以得到更好的性能。

但是money, float8始终是有一定的弊端的,超出精度时,结果可能不准确。





/*     * The scale which the number is actually stored.     * For example: 100 will allow 2 decimal places of precision     * This must always be a '1' followed by a number of '0's.     */    #define FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER 100LL      /*     * Number of decimal places to store.     * This number should be the number of decimal digits that it takes to     * represent FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER - 1     */    #define FIXEDDECIMAL_SCALE 2  

如果 FIXEDDECIMAL_SCALE 设置为2,则FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER 设置为100,如果 FIXEDDECIMAL_SCALE 设置为3,FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER 设置为1000。也就是通过整型来存储,显示时除以multiplier得到整数部分,取余得到小数部分。

/*     * fixeddecimal2str     *              Prints the fixeddecimal 'val' to buffer as a string.     *              Returns a pointer to the end of the written string.     */    static char *    fixeddecimal2str(int64 val, char *buffer)    {            char       *ptr = buffer;            int64           integralpart = val / FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER;            int64           fractionalpart = val % FIXEDDECIMAL_MULTIPLIER;              if (val < 0)            {                    fractionalpart = -fractionalpart;                      /*                     * Handle special case for negative numbers where the intergral part                     * is zero. pg_int64tostr() won't prefix with "-0" in this case, so                     * we'll do it manually                     */                    if (integralpart == 0)                            *ptr++ = '-';            }            ptr = pg_int64tostr(ptr, integralpart);            *ptr++ = '.';            ptr = pg_int64tostr_zeropad(ptr, fractionalpart, FIXEDDECIMAL_SCALE);            return ptr;    }  </pre>    


postgres=# select 9223372036854775807::int8;            int8             ---------------------     9223372036854775807    (1 row)      postgres=# select 9223372036854775808::int8;    ERROR:  22003: bigint out of range    LOCATION:  numeric_int8, numeric.c:2955      postgres=# select 92233720368547758.07::fixeddecimal;         fixeddecimal         ----------------------     92233720368547758.07    (1 row)      postgres=# select 92233720368547758.08::fixeddecimal;    ERROR:  22003: value "92233720368547758.08" is out of range for type fixeddecimal    LOCATION:  scanfixeddecimal, fixeddecimal.c:499  </pre>    

另外需要注意,编译fixeddecimal需要用到支持__int128的编译器,gcc 4.9.3是支持的。所以如果你用的gcc版本比较低的话,需要提前更新好gcc。


下面测试一下fixeddecimal+PostgreSQL 9.5的性能表现,对1亿数据进行加减乘除以及聚合的运算,看float8, numeric, fixeddecimal类型的运算结果和速度:使用auto_explain记录下对比float8,numeric,fixeddecimal的执行计划和耗时。

psql  \timing      postgres=# load 'auto_explain';    LOAD    Time: 2.328 ms      postgres=# set auto_explain.log_analyze =true;    SET    Time: 0.115 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_buffers =true;    SET    Time: 0.080 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_nested_statements=true;    SET    Time: 0.073 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_timing=true;    SET    Time: 0.089 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_triggers=true;    SET    Time: 0.076 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_verbose=true;    SET    Time: 0.074 ms    postgres=# set auto_explain.log_min_duration=0;    SET    Time: 0.149 ms    postgres=# set client_min_messages ='log';    SET    Time: 0.144 ms      postgres=# set work_mem='8GB';    SET    Time: 0.152 ms      postgres=# select sum(i::numeric),min(i::numeric),max(i::numeric),avg(i::numeric),sum(3.0::numeric*(i::numeric+i::numeric)),avg(i::numeric/3.0::numeric) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    LOG:  duration: 241348.655 ms  plan:    Query Text: select sum(i::numeric),min(i::numeric),max(i::numeric),avg(i::numeric),sum(3.0::numeric*(i::numeric+i::numeric)),avg(i::numeric/3.0::numeric) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    Aggregate  (cost=50.01..50.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=241348.631..241348.631 rows=1 loops=1)      Output: sum((i)::numeric), min((i)::numeric), max((i)::numeric), avg((i)::numeric), sum((3.0 * ((i)::numeric + (i)::numeric))), avg(((i)::numeric / 3.0))      ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series t  (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=12200.116..22265.586 rows=100000000 loops=1)            Output: i            Function Call: generate_series(1, 100000000)           sum        | min |    max    |          avg          |         sum         |              avg                  ------------------+-----+-----------+-----------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------     5000000050000000 |   1 | 100000000 | 50000000.500000000000 | 30000000300000000.0 | 16666666.83333333333333333333    (1 row)      Time: 243149.286 ms      postgres=# select sum(i::float8),min(i::float8),max(i::float8),avg(i::float8),sum(3.0::float8*(i::float8+i::float8)),avg(i::float8/3.0::float8) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    LOG:  duration: 112407.004 ms  plan:    Query Text: select sum(i::float8),min(i::float8),max(i::float8),avg(i::float8),sum(3.0::float8*(i::float8+i::float8)),avg(i::float8/3.0::float8) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    Aggregate  (cost=50.01..50.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=112406.967..112406.967 rows=1 loops=1)      Output: sum((i)::double precision), min((i)::double precision), max((i)::double precision), avg((i)::double precision), sum(('3'::double precision * ((i)::double precision + (i)::double precision))), avg(((i)::double precision / '3'::double precision))      ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series t  (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=12157.571..20994.444 rows=100000000 loops=1)            Output: i            Function Call: generate_series(1, 100000000)          sum       | min |    max    |    avg     |         sum          |       avg            ----------------+-----+-----------+------------+----------------------+------------------     5.00000005e+15 |   1 | 100000000 | 50000000.5 | 3.00000003225094e+16 | 16666666.8333333    (1 row)      Time: 114208.528 ms      postgres=# select sum(i::fixeddecimal),min(i::fixeddecimal),max(i::fixeddecimal),avg(i::fixeddecimal),sum(3.0::fixeddecimal*(i::fixeddecimal+i::fixeddecimal)),avg(i::fixeddecimal/3.0::fixeddecimal) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    LOG:  duration: 97956.458 ms  plan:    Query Text: select sum(i::fixeddecimal),min(i::fixeddecimal),max(i::fixeddecimal),avg(i::fixeddecimal),sum(3.0::fixeddecimal*(i::fixeddecimal+i::fixeddecimal)),avg(i::fixeddecimal/3.0::fixeddecimal) from generate_series(1,100000000) t(i);    Aggregate  (cost=50.01..50.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=97956.431..97956.431 rows=1 loops=1)      Output: sum((i)::fixeddecimal), min((i)::fixeddecimal), max((i)::fixeddecimal), avg((i)::fixeddecimal), sum(('3.00'::fixeddecimal * ((i)::fixeddecimal + (i)::fixeddecimal))), avg(((i)::fixeddecimal / '3.00'::fixeddecimal))      ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series t  (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=12168.630..20874.617 rows=100000000 loops=1)            Output: i            Function Call: generate_series(1, 100000000)             sum         | min  |     max      |     avg     |         sum          |     avg         ---------------------+------+--------------+-------------+----------------------+-------------     5000000050000000.00 | 1.00 | 100000000.00 | 50000000.50 | 30000000300000000.00 | 16666666.83    (1 row)      Time: 99763.032 ms  </pre>    





另外需要注意的是,fixeddecimal对于超出精度的部分是做的截断,不是round, 因此123.555是存的12355而不是12356。

postgres=# select '123.555'::fixeddecimal;     fixeddecimal     --------------     123.55    (1 row)      postgres=# select '123.555'::fixeddecimal/'123.556'::fixeddecimal;     ?column?     ----------     1.00    (1 row)      postgres=# select '124.555'::fixeddecimal/'123.556'::fixeddecimal;     ?column?     ----------     1.00    (1 row)      postgres=# select 124.555/123.556;          ?column?          --------------------     1.0080854025704944    (1 row)  </pre>    



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