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orange - Go语言的轻量级对象关系映射框架ORM


Orange is a lightweight, simple Object relational Mapper for Golang. Built for the curious minds which wants to grok how to remove the toil when building database facing applications.


  • Simple API
  • Multiple database support( currently only postgresql but mysql and sqlite are work in progress)
  • Zero dependency( only the standard libary)


This is my understanding of Object Relational Mapping with Golang. Instead of writing a blog post, I took the liberty to implement orange. It has almost all the things you might need to interact with databases with Golang.

The source code is geared toward people who want to harness the power of Go. There is alot of myths around reflections in Go, I have almost used all the techniques you will need to master reflections.

THIS IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE, unless you know what you are doing in which case your contribution is welcome.


go get github.com/gernest/orange


The following is a simple example to showcase the power of orange, for comprehensive API please check The Orange Documentation

package orange_test    import (      "fmt"        "github.com/gernest/orange"        // Include the driver for your database      _ "github.com/lib/pq"  )    type golangster struct {      ID   int64      Name string  }    func Example() {        // Open a database connection      connectionSTring := "user=postgres dbname=orange_test sslmode=disable"      db, err := orange.Open("postgres", connectionSTring)      if err != nil {          panic(err)      }        // Register the structs that you want to map to      err := db.Register(&golangster{})      if err != nil {          panic(err)      }        // Do database migrations( tables will be created if they dont exist      err = db.Automigrate()      if err != nil {          panic(err)      }        // Make sure we are connected to the database we want      name := db.CurrentDatabase()      fmt.Println(name) // on my case it is orange_test        // Insert a new record into the database      err = db.Create(&golangster{Name: "hello"})      if err != nil {          panic(err)      }        // count the number of records      var count int      db.Count("*").Bind(&count)      fmt.Println(count) // in my case 1        // Retrieve a a record with name hello      result := golangster{}      db.Find(&result, &golangster{Name: "hello"})      fmt.Println(result) // on my case { 1, "hello"}    }

TODO list

These are some of the things I will hope to add when I get time

  • Delete record
  • Support mysql
  • support sqlite
  • polish support for timestamps
  • more comprehensive tests
  • improve perfomace
  • talk about orange


Contributions of all kinds are welcome


Geofrey Ernest 推ter @gernesti



项目地址: https://github.com/gernest/orange

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