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  • Core The core machine learning library
  • Math Linear algebra, statistical distribution, hypothesis tests, random number generators, sort, special functions, various kernel, distance and rbf functions.
  • Data Parsers for arff, libsvm, delimited text, sparse matrix, microarray gene expression data.
  • Graph Graph algorithms on adjacency list and matrix.
  • Interpolation One and two dimensional interpolation.
  • NLP Natural language processing.
  • Plot Swing-based data visualization library.

Smile implements the following major machine learning algorithms

  • Classification Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, RBF Networks, Maximum Entropy Classifier, KNN, Naïve Bayesian, Fisher/Linear/Quadratic/Regularized Discriminant Analysis.

  • Regression Support Vector Regression, Gaussian Process, Regression Trees, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, RBF Networks, OLS, LASSO, Ridge Regression.

  • Feature Selection Genetic Algorithm based Feature Selection, Ensemble Learning based Feature Selection, Signal Noise ratio, Sum Squares ratio.

  • Clustering BIRCH, CLARANS, DBScan, DENCLUE, Deterministic Annealing, K-Means, X-Means, G-Means, Neural Gas, Growing Neural Gas, Hierarchical Clustering, Sequential Information Bottleneck, Self-Organizing Maps, Spectral Clustering, Minimum Entropy Clustering.

  • Association Rule & Frequent Itemset Mining FP-growth mining algorithm

  • Manifold learning IsoMap, LLE, Laplacian Eigenmap, PCA, Kernel PCA, Probabilistic PCA, GHA, Random Projection

  • Multi-Dimensional Scaling Classical MDS, Isotonic MDS, Sammon Mapping

  • Nearest Neighbor Search BK-Tree, Cover Tree, KD-Tree, LSH

  • Sequence Learning Hidden Markov Model, Conditional Random Field.

  • Natural Language Processing Sentence Splitter and Tokenizer, Bigram Statistical Test, Phrase Extractor, Keyword Extractor, Stemmer, POS Tagging, Relevance Ranking

官方网站:http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1456567701468</p> </strong>

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机器学习 SmileMiner