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fsmon - iOS/OS X/Android/FirefoxOS/Linux系统中的文件监控器


fsmon -  iOS/OS X/Android/FirefoxOS/Linux系统中的文件监控器。
FileSystem Monitor utility that runs on Linux, Android, iOS and OSX.

Brought to you by Sergi Àlvarez at Nowsecure and distributed under the MIT license.

Contact: pancake@nowsecure.com


The tool retrieves file system events from a specific directory and shows them in colorful format or in JSON.

It is possible to filter the events happening from a specific program name or process id (PID).

$ ./fsmon -h  Usage: ./fsmon [-jc] [-a sec] [-b dir] [-p pid] [-P proc] [path]   -a [sec]  stop monitoring after N seconds (alarm)   -b [dir]  backup files to DIR folder (EXPERIMENTAL)   -c        follow children of -p PID   -h        show this help   -j        output in JSON format   -f        show only filename (no path)   -p [pid]  only show events from this pid   -P [proc] events only from process name   -v        show version   [path]    only get events from this path


fsmon is a portable tool. It works on iOS, OSX, Linux and Android (x86, arm, arm64, mips)

  • Linux

    linux$ make

  • OSX + iOS fatbin

    osx$ make

  • Android

    $ make android NDK_ARCH=arm

in order to get fsmon installed system wide just use:

$ make install

项目地址: https://github.com/nowsecure/fsmon

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fsmon: monitor filesystem on iOS