A foursquare client written entirely in kotlin
来自: https://github.com/chemouna/Nearby
A Simple Foursquare client written in kotlin
(click to view on 油Tube)
Features :
- Display list of venues for a location.
- Observe location changes and update venues list whenever a new location is detected.
- Display a message informing the user that the app is going to fetch new venues because he/she had moved, with an action "Cancel" to cancel the update of venues.
- Display of a venue item with its image, name, ratings and price.
- Display a venue in a detailed view when a venue item is clicked.
- Animating the display of detail view from the list of venues.
- Support for Marshmallow permissions (Asking for each needed permission).
Implementation :
- Implemented entirely in Kotlin.
- Heavy use of Reactive paradigms (with RxJava, Retrofit and RxBindings).
- Unit tests (with mocking of foursquare service).
- Gradle dependencies organised in a maintainable way (dependencies.gradle).
- Using an MVP structure.
- Dependency injection with Dagger2.
- Taking advantage of android build types to use a debug build for features such as logging that we don't want on release builds.
- Testing: using Mocks with retrofit
Focus on:
Minimize mutability
- Use val most of the time for immutability and minimise the use of var.
Idiomatic use of kotlin
- Use extensions
- Use apply
- Use of kotlin higher order functions to have a LINQ-style code
- Don't break the chain.
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