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redis web客户端 redis-admin

redis-admin是基于java的redis web客户端,以方便广大程序员使用redis为宗旨,集五种数据结构增删改查于一身。

This is a redis client web tool written based on Java EE and Jedis. It's my objective to build the most convenient redis client web tool in the world. In the first place, it will facilitate in editing redis data, such as: add, update, delete, search, cut, copy, paste etc.


Multiple Redis version adaptive

  1. Manage redis server, support server password authentication
  2. Manage redis data
    • New redis data: string, list, hash, set, sorted set
    • Rename redis data
    • Delete redis data
    • Update redis data
    • Cut, copy paste redis data
    • Search redis data by key
    • Order redis data by key
    • Support time to live
    • Support multiple language, now support English and Chinese



Quick Start

first step:Edit file:'redis.properties' : first of all, set up redis.server.num, this is redis.properties example:

redis.server.num=1  redis.language=English    #must set a default redis  redis.host.1=  redis.name.1=  redis.port.1=6379  redis.password.1=SH89qwIO    redis.host.2=yours  redis.name.2=yours  redis.port.2=yours  redis.password.2=yours

second step:Edit file:'application.properties' :

####Security Manager  manager.username=admin  manager.password=admin

third step: deploy project

run maven command : mvn clean package you will found war in 'target/redis-admin.war' move war to ../tomcat/wabapps and start tomcat

last step: visit redis-admin

open brower and visit: http://IP:[port]/redis-admin/redis enter username:{manager.username} and password:{manager.password} have fun ^ ^


项目地址: https://github.com/mauersu/redis-admin

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Redis NoSQL数据库 redis-admin: redis web client tool