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使用React, Socket.io +Cosmic JS开发的简单聊天程序

来自: https://github.com/tonyspiro/react-chat-app

React Chat App

这是一个使用React, Socket.io+Cosmic JS开发的基本实时聊天应用。这个示例包含了以下内容

  1. React for UI
  2. Babel for ES6 and JSX transformation
  3. Webpack for bundling
  4. Socket.io for real-time communication
  5. Cosmic JS for saving and returning messages from a cloud-hosted API

Dev tools:

  1. ESLint to make sure our code is consistent
  2. React Hot Loader for instant updates on save


Run the following commands to install the app:

git clone https://github.com/tonyspiro/react-chat-app  cd react-chat-app  npm install

Run in production

Run the following command to run the app in production:

npm start

View the app running in production at http://localhost:3000

Run in development

Run the following commands to run the app in development with hot reloading:

npm start server

and in another terminal tab run:

npm run development

View the app running in development at http://localhost:8080

Configure your own chat app

  1. Set up a bucket in Cosmic JS with an object type of messages .
  2. Edit config.js:
// config.js  export default {    bucket: {      slug: 'your-bucket-slug',      type_slug: 'messages'    },    server: {      host: process.env.APP_URL || 'http://localhost:3000'    }  }

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React Socket 电话/通讯/IM聊天 Socket.IO