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func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {      flags := uint32(0)      if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {          flags |= flagNoScan      }      return mallocgc(uintptr(typ.size), typ, flags)  }


const (      // flags to malloc      _FlagNoScan = 1 << 0 // GC doesn't have to scan object      _FlagNoZero = 1 << 1 // don't zero memory  )


func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, flags uint32) unsafe.Pointer



// 基本的条件符合判断 ...    // 获取当前goroutine的m结构  mp := acquirem()  // 如果当前的m正在执行分配任务,则抛出错误  if mp.mallocing != 0 {      throw("malloc deadlock")  }  if mp.gsignal == getg() {      throw("malloc during signal")  }  // 锁住当前的m进行分配  mp.mallocing = 1    shouldhelpgc := false  dataSize := size  // 获取当前goroutine的m的mcache  c := gomcache()  var s *mspan  var x unsafe.Pointer




// 是微小对象    // 进行微小对象的校准操作  // ...    // 如果是微小对象,并且申请的对象微小对象能cover住  if off+size <= maxTinySize && c.tiny != nil {      // 直接在tiny的块中进行分配就行了      x = add(c.tiny, off)      ...      return x  }    // 从mcache中获取对应的span链表  s = c.alloc[tinySizeClass]  v := s.freelist  // 如果这个span链表没有微小对象的空闲span了,从MCache中获取tinySize的链表补充上这个tiny链表  if v.ptr() == nil {      systemstack(func() {          mCache_Refill(c, tinySizeClass)      })  }  s.freelist = v.ptr().next  s.ref++    // 预读取指令能加快速度  prefetchnta(uintptr(v.ptr().next))  // 初始化微小结构  x = unsafe.Pointer(v)  (*[2]uint64)(x)[0] = 0  (*[2]uint64)(x)[1] = 0    // 对比新旧两个tiny块剩余空间  if size < c.tinyoffset {      // 如果旧块的剩余空间比新块少,则使用新块替代mcache中的tiny块      c.tiny = x      c.tinyoffset = size  }


// 是小对象  var sizeclass int8  // 计算最接近的size  if size <= 1024-8 {      sizeclass = size_to_class8[(size+7)>>3]  } else {      sizeclass = size_to_class128[(size-1024+127)>>7]  }  size = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])    // 获取mcache中预先分配的spans链表  s = c.alloc[sizeclass]  v := s.freelist  if v.ptr() == nil {      // 如果没有链表了,则从mcache中划出对应的spans链表      systemstack(func() {          mCache_Refill(c, int32(sizeclass))      })  }  // 有链表则直接使用  s.freelist = v.ptr().next  s.ref++


// 如果是大对象,直接去heap中获取数据  systemstack(func() {      s = largeAlloc(size, uint32(flags))  })  x = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start << pageShift))  size = uintptr(s.elemsize)


  • 如果要申请的对象是tiny大小,看mcache中的tiny block是否足够,如果足够,直接分配。如果不足够,使用mcache中的tiny class对应的span分配
  • 如果要申请的对象是小对象大小,则使用mcache中的对应span链表分配
  • 如果对应span链表已经没有空span了,先补充上mcache的对应链表,再分配(mCache_Refill)
  • 如果要申请的对象是大对象,直接去heap中获取(largeAlloc)


func mCache_Refill(c *mcache, sizeclass int32) *mspan {      // 获取当时的goroutine      _g_ := getg()        // 锁上m      _g_.m.locks++      // 获取对应sizeclass的span链表,如果对应的链表还有剩余空间,抛出错误      s := c.alloc[sizeclass]      if s.freelist.ptr() != nil {          throw("refill on a nonempty span")      }        // 从mCentral中获取span链表,并赋值      s = mCentral_CacheSpan(&mheap_.central[sizeclass].mcentral)        c.alloc[sizeclass] = s        // 打开锁      _g_.m.locks--      return s  }


type mcentral struct {      lock      mutex      sizeclass int32      nonempty  mspan // list of spans with a free object      empty     mspan // list of spans with no free objects (or cached in an mcache)  }




func mCentral_CacheSpan(c *mcentral) *mspan {        sg := mheap_.sweepgen  retry:      var s *mspan      // 遍历有空间span的链表      for s = c.nonempty.next; s != &c.nonempty; s = s.next {          // 如果这个span是需要回收的,那么先回收这个span,转移到empty链表中,再把这个span返回          if s.sweepgen == sg-2 && cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1) {              mSpanList_Remove(s)              mSpanList_InsertBack(&c.empty, s)              unlock(&c.lock)              // 垃圾清理              mSpan_Sweep(s, true)              goto havespan          }            // 如果nonempty中有不需要swapping的空间,这个就可以直接使用了          mSpanList_Remove(s)          mSpanList_InsertBack(&c.empty, s)          unlock(&c.lock)          goto havespan      }        // 遍历没有空间的span链表,为什么没有空间的span链表也需要遍历呢?      for s = c.empty.next; s != &c.empty; s = s.next {          // 如果这个span是需要回收的,回收之          if s.sweepgen == sg-2 && cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1) {              mSpanList_Remove(s)              mSpanList_InsertBack(&c.empty, s)              unlock(&c.lock)              mSpan_Sweep(s, true)              if s.freelist.ptr() != nil {                  goto havespan              }              lock(&c.lock)              goto retry          }            break      }      unlock(&c.lock)        // 到这里就说明central中都没有可以使用的span了,那么,就增长mCentral      s = mCentral_Grow(c)      mSpanList_InsertBack(&c.empty, s)    havespan:         // 找到空span的情况      cap := int32((s.npages << _PageShift) / s.elemsize)      n := cap - int32(s.ref)      if n == 0 {          throw("empty span")      }      if s.freelist.ptr() == nil {          throw("freelist empty")      }      s.incache = true      return s  }


s.sweepgen == sg-2 && cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1)


// sweep generation:  // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 2, the span needs sweeping  // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 1, the span is currently being swept  // if sweepgen == h->sweepgen, the span is swept and ready to use  // h->sweepgen is incremented by 2 after every GC


func mCentral_Grow(c *mcentral) *mspan {      ...      // 从heap上进行分配      s := mHeap_Alloc(&mheap_, npages, c.sizeclass, false, true)      ...      // 设置span的bitmap      heapBitsForSpan(s.base()).initSpan(s.layout())      return s  }


func mHeap_Alloc(h *mheap, npage uintptr, sizeclass int32, large bool, needzero bool) *mspan {      ...      systemstack(func() {          s = mHeap_Alloc_m(h, npage, sizeclass, large)      })      ...  }


func mHeap_Alloc_m(h *mheap, npage uintptr, sizeclass int32, large bool) *mspan {      ...      s := mHeap_AllocSpanLocked(h, npage)      ...        return s  }
func mHeap_AllocSpanLocked(h *mheap, npage uintptr) *mspan {      ...        // 获取Heap中最合适的内存大小      s = mHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)      // 如果mHeap满了      if s == nil {          // 增长mHeap大小          if !mHeap_Grow(h, npage) {              return nil          }          s = mHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)          if s == nil {              return nil          }      }    HaveSpan:      // mHeap中有了数据  }


func mHeap_Grow(h *mheap, npage uintptr) bool {      ...      // 调用操作系统分配内存      v := mHeap_SysAlloc(h, ask)      ...  }


type mheap struct {      lock      mutex      free      [_MaxMHeapList]mspan // free lists of given length      freelarge mspan                // free lists length >= _MaxMHeapList      busy      [_MaxMHeapList]mspan // busy lists of large objects of given length      busylarge mspan                // busy lists of large objects length >= _MaxMHeapList      allspans  **mspan              // all spans out there      gcspans   **mspan              // copy of allspans referenced by gc marker or sweeper      nspan     uint32      sweepgen  uint32 // sweep generation, see comment in mspan      sweepdone uint32 // all spans are swept      // span lookup      spans        **mspan      spans_mapped uintptr        // Proportional sweep      spanBytesAlloc    uint64  // bytes of spans allocated this cycle; updated atomically      pagesSwept        uint64  // pages swept this cycle; updated atomically      sweepPagesPerByte float64 // proportional sweep ratio; written with lock, read without        // Malloc stats.      largefree  uint64                  // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)      nlargefree uint64                  // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)      nsmallfree [_NumSizeClasses]uint64 // number of frees for small objects (<=maxsmallsize)        // range of addresses we might see in the heap      bitmap         uintptr      bitmap_mapped  uintptr      arena_start    uintptr      arena_used     uintptr // always mHeap_Map{Bits,Spans} before updating      arena_end      uintptr      arena_reserved bool        // central free lists for small size classes.      // the padding makes sure that the MCentrals are      // spaced CacheLineSize bytes apart, so that each MCentral.lock      // gets its own cache line.      central [_NumSizeClasses]struct {          mcentral mcentral          pad      [_CacheLineSize]byte      }        spanalloc             fixalloc // allocator for span*      cachealloc            fixalloc // allocator for mcache*      specialfinalizeralloc fixalloc // allocator for specialfinalizer*      specialprofilealloc   fixalloc // allocator for specialprofile*      speciallock           mutex    // lock for special record allocators.  }


+---------------------+---------------+-----------------------------+  | spans 512MB .......| bitmap 32GB | arena 512GB ..................|  +---------------------+---------------+-----------------------------+ +
func mHeap_SysAlloc(h *mheap, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {      // 如果超出了arean预留的区块限制了      if n > uintptr(h.arena_end)-uintptr(h.arena_used) {          // 使用一些系统保留的空间          ...      }        // 申请的大小在arean范围内      if n <= uintptr(h.arena_end)-uintptr(h.arena_used) {          // 使用系统的sysMap申请内存          sysMap((unsafe.Pointer)(p), n, h.arena_reserved, &memstats.heap_sys)          mHeap_MapBits(h, p+n)          mHeap_MapSpans(h, p+n)          ...      }      ...  }
func sysMap(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, reserved bool, sysStat *uint64) {      ...      // 最终调用mmap      p := mmap(v, n, _PROT_READ|_PROT_WRITE, _MAP_ANON|_MAP_FIXED|_MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0)      ...  }

来自: http://www.cnblogs.com/yjf512/p/5147365.html

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