Gaffer 是个大规模图数据库。Gaffer 是可以方便存储大规模图的框架,节点和边界有数据统计,比如计数,直方图和草图。这些统计数据是时间窗口的节点和边界属性,可以根据时间动态更新。
- Allow the creation of graphs with summarised properties within Accumulo with a very minimal amount of coding.
- Allow flexibility of statistics that describe the entities and edges.
- Allow easy addition of new types of nodes and edges.
- Allow quick retrieval of data on nodes of interest.
- Deal with data of different security levels - all data has a visibility, and this is used to restrict who can see data based on their authorizations.
- Support automatic age-off of data.
Gaffer 是图形数据库,不是一个图处理系统。
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