Progress bars improve readability for terminal applications with long outputs by providing a concise feedback loop.
- Multiple Bars: uiprogress can render multiple progress bars that can be tracked concurrently
- Dynamic Addition: Add additional progress bars any time, even after the progress tracking has started
- Prepend and Append Functions: Append or prepend completion percent and time elapsed to the progress bars
- Custom Decorator Functions: Add custom functions around the bar along with helper functions
To start listening for progress bars, calluiprogress.Start()and add a progress bar usinguiprogress.AddBar(total). Update the progress usingbar.Set(n). Full source code for the below example is available at example/simple/simple.go
uiprogress.Start() // start rendering bar := uiprogress.AddBar(100) // Add a new bar // optionally, append and prepend completion and elapsed time bar.AppendCompleted() bar.PrependElapsed() for i := 1; i <= bar.Total; i++ { bar.Set(i) time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) }
This will render the below in the terminal
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