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GoShip SSHes into the machines that you list in ETCD and gets the latest revision from the specified git repository. It then compares that to the latest revision on GitHub and, if they differ, shows a link to the diff as well as a Deploy button. You can then deploy by clicking the button, and will show you the output of the deployment command, as well as save the output, diff, and whether the command succeeded.



  1. Install go development environment
  2. rungo get github.com/gengo/goship
  3. rungo build github.com/gengo/goship


  1. Export your GitHub API token:

    export GITHUB_API_TOKEN="your-organization-github-token-here"
  2. Github Omniauth Integration:

    Users who are collaborator on a repo can 'see' that repo in Goship. You must create a developer application to use omniauth. If you do NOT add the appropriate env keys below AUTH will be OFF I.E. Please be careful and check the logs. Please note the "Authorization callback URL" should match your site i.e.http://<your-url-and-port>/auth/github/callback.

    export GITHUB_RANDOM_HASH_KEY="some-random-hash-here";  export GITHUB_OMNI_AUTH_ID="github-application-id";  export GITHUB_OMNI_AUTH_KEY="github-application-key";  export GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL="http://<your-url-and-port>";  // must match that given to Github! Would be for testing

    If authentication is 'turned on', organization 'team' members who are collaborators and exclusively on a 'pull' only team will be able to see a repo, however the deploy button will be diasbled for them.

  3. Create an etcd server

    1. Follow the instructions in the etcd README
    2. Write configurations in YAML.
    3. Store the configuration into etcd withgoshipcfgin tools
      • You can also directly access to etcd entries for small amount of change.
        • etcd exposes a single set of APIs. [reference]. There are many tools to call the APIs, e.g. etcdctl.
    </li> </ol>


 本文由用户 jopen 自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流。所有权归原作者,若您的权利被侵害,请联系管理员。
GoShip Git 版本控制系统