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Stark - 一个 PHP 实现的轻量级多进程处理 Daemon


Starkis a library for running php code as multi-process daemon.


  • PHP 5.3 or Higher
  • A POSIX compatible operating system (Linux, OSX, BSD)
  • POSIX and PCNTL Extensions for PHP


  • Simple Callbacks
  • Daemon Monitoring
  • Automatic Restart


We just need only one script file and one config file. The php script file defines the callback functions. The ini config file defines daemon's enviroments. You can use this command to start you daemon:

php src/Stark/run.php -f [ini_config_file]

Daemon configuration

  • main.name : A string specifying the daemon's unique name
  • main.host : A string specifying the bind ip address of monitoring server
  • main.port : An integer value specifying the bind port of monitoring server.
  • main.working_dir : A path to a directory where the daemon should put its log file and socket file.
  • run.script_file : The file that defines the callback funtions.
  • run.memory_limit : Specified as the php shorthand notation for bytes (see the manual ). This will be set asmemory_limitviaini_set
  • worker.count : An integer value specifying the number of worker.
  • worker.max_run_count : The maximum number of runs, after the number reached the worker will restart every time.
  • worker.max_run_seconds : An integer value in seconds, specifying the maximum time the worker will restart after the time arrives.
  • worker.max_idle_seconds : An integer value in seconds, specifying the longest idle time, the worker will restart after the time arrives.

An example configuration ini file:

[main]  name = "config_1"  host = ""  port = 9003  working_dir = "/tmp"    [run]  script_file = "run_1.php"  memory_limit = "1024M"    [worker]  count = 3  max_run_count = 10000  max_run_seconds = 3600  max_idle_seconds = 60

An example callback file:
<?php    $g_count = 0;    function run($worker, $data) {      global $g_count;      $g_count++;        echo "Worker {$worker->index} current: {$g_count}\r\n";      usleep(100000);  }


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Stark PHP开发