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Apache GUI 是一个基于Java的Apache服务器GUI管理工具,用来帮助管理 Apache HTTP 服务器。主要功能包括:

  • 编辑、搜索和校证配置

  • 管理虚拟主机

  • 编辑 Web 文档

  • 日志的监控下载和搜索

  • 安装和删除 Apache 模块

  • 查看运行时统计

  • 记录、搜索和图形化显示处理详情

Apache 管理工具:ApacheGUI


ApacheGUI Packages are hosted on sourceforge. They can be accessed from the following link https://sourceforge.net/projects/apachegui/

Development Environment

ApacheGUI is a Maven enabled web project. The project is portable and can be imported to any Java IDE as a Maven project.

Project Dependancies

ApacheGUI is dependant on the following project(s). It is not required to download these projects however a large amount of source code uses classes and methods in these projects.

Building ApacheGUI

Although Windows is fully supported, it is recommended to use a Linux or Mac OSX distribution when developing ApacheGUI. This is because Apache and Tomcat run more efficiently on IX based distributions.

Build Dependancies

  • Node js
  • Maven 2+
  • Java 1.6+
  • Latest ApacheGUI package

Linux / Mac OSX build steps

  1. Download the latest package from the package site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/apachegui/files/). A Package will follow the naming convention ApacheGUI-{version}.tar.gz.
  2. Extract the package to a directory of your choice.
  3. Set the apachegui.home property in pom.xml to the location in step 2.
  4. Navigate to the root directory in the source project (Where pom.xml is located).
  5. Run the Maven builds below.
Maven options
  • mvn clean deploy -P prodminifies required javascript and builds a new war under the target directory.
  • mvn clean deploy -P devcopies required javascript without minification and builds a new war under the target directory. This task is meant to speed up war builds for development.
  • mvn clean install -P prodminifies required javascript and builds a new war under the target directory. The war is then moved from the target directory to [apachegui.home]/tomcat/webapps. This will re-deploy the application.
  • mvn clean install -P devcopies required javascript without minification and builds a new war under the target directory. The war is then moved from the target directory to [apachegui.home]/tomcat/webapps. This will re-deploy the application. This task is meant to speed up war builds for development.
  • mvn antrun:run -P packagestops ApacheGUI and builds a new .tar.gz archive. The .tar.gz archive is put into the package.dir directory that is specified in the pom.xml properties.


  1. Download the latest package from the package site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/apachegui/files/). A Package will follow the naming convention ApacheGUI-Windows{architecture}-{version}.msi.
  2. Install the ApacheGUI msi.
  3. Set the apachegui.home property in pom.xml to the location in step 2. The install location is usually located under C:\Program Files\ApacheGUI
  4. Navigate to the root directory in the source project (Where pom.xml is located).
  5. Run the Maven builds below.
Maven options
  • mvn clean deploy -P prodminifies required javascript and builds a new war under the target directory.
  • mvn clean deploy -P devcopies required javascript without minification and builds a new war under the target directory. This task is meant to speed up war builds for development.
  • mvn clean install -P prodminifies required javascript and builds a new war under the target directory. The task then stops ApacheGUI, moves the war from the target directory to [apachegui.home]/tomcat/webapps and starts ApacheGUI. This will re-deploy the application.
  • mvn clean install -P devcopies required javascript without minification and builds a new war under the target directory. The task then stops ApacheGUI, moves the war from the target directory to [apachegui.home]/tomcat/webapps and starts ApacheGUI. This will re-deploy the application. This task is meant to speed up war builds for development.


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ApacheGUI Apache Web服务器