超高性能的 Java 对象消息服务器:Apache Artemis
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 提供了一个非堵塞架构,实现了超高性能的 Java 对象消息服务器。其核心只依赖一个 netty.jar 文件。该项目的目的是为你的 Java 应用提供一个嵌入式的消息服务。
- AMQP protocol support
- OpenWire support for ActiveMQ 5 clients
- STOMP protocol support
- HornetQ Core protocol support for HornetQ 2.4,2.5 clients
- JMS 2.0 and 1.1 support
- High availability with shared store and non shared store (replication)
- Flexible Clustering
- High performance journal for message persistence
- Queue memory limitation
- SSL support
- Management over JMX, JMS and core protocol
- Large message support
- Topic hierarchies
- Producer flow control
- Consumer flow control
- Diverts
- Last value queue
- Message Groups
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