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jQuery 评分插件:RateThis.js

RateThis.js 是一个可以轻松实现评分功能的插件。


rateThis is a jquery plugin that allows you to easy create rating functionality for your form.


rateThis has been tested and should work in

  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Opera


You can find some examples here.


Include the code before</body>tag

<script src="/path/to/rateThis.min.js"></script>

Then just add it to one of DOMs elements

<script> $('#elementsID').rateThis(); </script>


Settable Options

Option Description Data Type Default
fullImg Name of image file to use for displaying current rating string 'full.png'
emptyImg Name of image file to use for displaying possible rating string 'empty.png'
zero If true, will display image to set value of rating to zero boolean false
zeroImg Name of image file to use for displaying zero rating string 'zero.png'
value Default value for rating integer 1
max Max value for rating integer 5
hover If true, will display image for highlighting current selected rating boolean true
hoverImg Name of image file to use for displaying for highlight string 'hover.png'
disabled If true, rating will be displayed as disabled boolean false
disabledFullImg Name of image file to use for displaying current rating when disabled string 'full.png'
disabledEmptyImg Name of image file to use for displaying possible rating when disabled string 'empty.png'
disabledZeroImg Name of image file to use for displaying zero rating when disabled string 'zero.png'


方法 描述
disable Disables the rating
enable Enables the rating
update Updates plugin view, for new input value
uncheck Unchecks the checkbox
destroy Removes plugin functionality

jQuery 评分插件:RateThis.js


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其他jQuery插件 jQuery插件 RateThis.js