fastJSON 的一个扩展版本:PowerJSON
PowerJSON 是 fastJSON 的一个扩展版本,提供一些新方法、类和接口,以及对发现的问题进行修复。
- Rename serialized members.
- Rename serialized Enum values.
- Deserializing non-public members.
- Polymorphic serialization without JSON extensions.
- Write out additional key-value pairs in the serialized JSON.
- Conditional serialization.
- Noninvasive control of serialization.
- A comprehensive documentation.
The newly introduced classes and interfaces have brought more control onto each aspect in serialization.
- SerializationManager: Caches the reflection result and controls the serialization.
- IReflectionController: Controls every possible aspect in reflection for serialization.
- IJsonInterceptor: Intercepts JSON serialization and enables conditional serialization.
- IJsonConverter: Converts between various value types.
This fork has empowered fastJSON to serialize and deserialize objects with additional attribute types. The attributes are listed below:
- JsonInterceptorAttribute: 1) controls the procedure of serialization. 2) allows conditional serialization. 3) allows writing out extra key-value pairs in the serialized object.
- JsonFieldAttribute: 1) controls the name of the serialized field or property. 2) allows serializing interface or abstract types with the Type and Name conbination in the attribute.
- JsonIncludeAttribute: 1) explicitly controls whether a field or property is serialized or not. 2) allows serializing readonly property even when theShowReadOnlyPropertiessetting is turned off.
- JsonConverterAttribute: allows transforming data before serialization.
- JsonEnumValueAttribute: controls the serialized literal name of anEnumvalue.
- JsonSerializableAttribute: enables serializing and deserializing private or internal types.
Some .NET built-in attributes are also supported.
- DefaultValueAttribute: values equal toDefaultValueAttribute.Valueare not serialized.
- ReadOnlyAttribute: values are not deserialized whenReadOnlyAttribute.IsReadOnlyis set to true.
This fork introduced the following settings inJSONParameters:
- NamingConvention: control the naming convention of serialized fields and properties. It has added support for camel-case, uppercase names.
- SerializeStaticMembers: control whether static fields or properties should be serialized. (2015-4-2)
- ShowReadOnlyFields: control whether readonly fields should be serialized. (2015-4-7)
- SerializeEmptyCollections: control whether zero length collections, arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc. are serialized. (2015-4-25)
// marks the internal DemoClass class deserializable [JsonSerializable] internal class DemoClass { // marks MyProperty property to be serialized to a field named "prop" [JsonField ("prop")] public string MyProperty { get; set; } // marks MyEnumProperty property to be serialized to a field named "enum" [JsonField ("enum")] public MyEnum MyEnumProperty { get; set; } // marks not to serialize the Number property, if its value is 0 [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue (0)] public int Number { get; set; } // marks the serialized name of Identifier will be "a", if its type is ClassA, // and "b" for ClassB, and "variant" for other types [JsonField ("a", typeof (ClassA))] [JsonField ("b", typeof (ClassB))] [JsonField ("variant")] public object Identifier { get; set; } // marks the InternalValue property will not be serialized [JsonInclude (false)] // marks the InternalValue property will not be deserialized [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnly (true)] public int InternalValue { get; set; } } public enum MyEnum { None, // marks the serialized name of Vip to "VIP" [JsonEnumValue ("VIP")] Vip }
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