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journey是一个采用Go语言开发的博客引擎,兼容Ghost主题 。

Easy to work with

Create or update your posts from any place and any device. Simply point your browser to yourblog.url/admin/, log in, and start typing away!

Good stuff available right away

Use Ghost themes to design your blog. There's a great community of designers working on themes already. Check out the Ghost Marketplace to get an idea. You can also migrate your existing Ghost installation to Journey with a few simple steps.



Write plugins in Lua to implement custom behavior when generating pages. Learn how to do it on the Wiki! Planning the future of Journey, support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Google App Engine are high priority goals.


Easily secure

Other blog engines require you to install Nginx or Apache just to enable HTTPS. With Journey, simply enable HTTPS in the configuration and start using it for development purposes. For production, simply replace the generated certificates with your own and you are ready to go.


No dependencies

Don't worry about installing the correct version of Node.js, Python, or anything else. Just download the latest release for your operating system and cpu architecture, then place the folder anywhere you like and run the Journey executable. Done!



Journey eats very little of your precious memory. For example: Testing it on Mac OS X, it takes about 3.5 MB of it and then happily carries on doing its job.



Journey is still in an early stage of development. However, initial tests indicate that it is much faster at generating pages than Ghost running on Node.js.


Deployable anywhere

Download the release package for Linux (AMD64, i386, ARM), Mac OS X (AMD64, i386), or Windows (AMD64, i386) and start using Journey right away. Build Journey from source to make it work on a multitude of other operating systems!

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