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$('.color').colorPicker({      color: ..., // see Colors...      customBG: '#FFF' // see Colors...      animationSpeed: 150, // toggle animation speed      GPU: true, // use transform: translate3d      doRender: true | 'selector', // manipulate color and bgColor of input field (on certain elements if selector)      opacity: true, // enable / disable alpha slider      renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the input field;toggle === true -> just appeared; false -> opposite; else -> is rendering on pointer move      // toggled true/false can for example be used to check if the $elm has a certain className and then hide alpha,...      buidCallback: function($elm) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the UI      css: '', // replaces existing css      cssAddon: '', // adds css to existing      margin: '', // positioning margin (can also be set in cssAddon)      scrollResize: true // toggle for reposition colorPicker on window.resize/scroll      gap: 4 // gap to right and bottom edge of view port if repositioned to fit      preventFocus: false // prevents default on focus of input fields (e.g. no keyboard on mobile)      body: document.body // the element where the events are attached to (touchstart, mousedown, pointerdown, focus, click, change)  });


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颜色选择器jQuery插件 jQuery插件 tinyColorPicker