用 R 语言做量化投资
1 quantmod是什么?
2 quantmod能做什么?
2.1 提取数据
> getSymbols("CHL"); [1] "CHL" > head(CHL); CHL.Open CHL.High CHL.Low CHL.Close CHL.Volume CHL.Adjusted 2007-01-03 45.45 46.84 45.45 46.14 3538300 35.40 2007-01-04 44.25 45.05 43.62 44.43 3210000 34.09 2007-01-05 44.99 44.99 43.12 43.24 2036300 33.17 2007-01-08 43.69 44.07 43.16 43.90 1230200 33.68 2007-01-09 42.98 42.98 41.56 41.85 2566100 32.11 2007-01-10 41.41 42.12 40.86 41.96 1987000 32.19
2.2 数据重整
> getSymbols("GS") #Goldman OHLC from yahoo [1] "GS" > is.OHLC(GS) # does the data contain at least OHL and C? > has.Vo(GS) # how about volume? > Op(GS) # just the Open column please. > seriesHi(GS) # where and what was the high point
2.3 金融数据可视化
> getSymbols("GS") #Goldman OHLC from yahoo [1] "GS" > chartSeries(GS) > candleChart(GS,subset='2007-12::2008') > candleChart(GS,theme='white', type='candles') > reChart(major.ticks='months',subset='first 16 weeks') > chartSeries(GS, theme="white",TA="addVo();addBBands();addCCI()")
3 更多知识
- 学习quantmod提取数据:点击Get data1
- 学习quantmod数据操作:点击Data manupulation
- 学习quatnmod金融绘图:点击Charting
- 学习quantmod金融建模:点击Modelling1
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