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Github 命令行工具:Node GH

Node GH 是基于 Node.js 编写的 Github 命令行工具。


  • Shortcut for listing open pull requests for the current repository.

    gh pr
  • List open pulls requests for all branches from all your repositories.

    gh pr --list --all
  • List open pull requests sent by logged user on current repository.

    gh pr --list --me
  • List open pull requests with link and content.

    gh pr --list --detailed
  • List open pull requests for a branch.

    gh pr --list --branch master
  • List open pull requests and sort them by popularity (comment count).

    gh pr --list --sort popularity
  • List open pull requests and sort them by asc long-running (old but still active).

    gh pr --list --sort long-running --direction asc
  • List open pull requests and sort them by complexity (complexity is calculated based on number of additions, deletions, changed files, comments and review comments).

    gh pr --list --sort complexity


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