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Ferry - 方便数据传输的ruby gem



查看示例:ferry_demo app or our GitHub pages site for guidance on using Ferry!


  • 将数据导出成各种文件格式(.csv, .yml, .sql)
  • 从各种文件格式导入数据
  • 将数据迁移到第三方主机(Amazon S3, Oracle)
  • 数据迁移到不同的数据库


Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'ferry'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ferry

To view what Ferry can do for you just run:

$ ferry --help


Ferry can export data from a database connected to a Rails app into a CSV or YAML file. We currently only support exporting of SQLite3, MySQL2, and PostgreSQL databases.

Run ferry --to_csv [environment] [table] in your Rails directory to export to csv:

$ ferry --to_csv production users

Running the above command will export the "users" table from the database connected to the "production" environment. A csv file populated with the "users" table data will be created at /db/csv/test/users.csv (the path will be created and if there is a users.csv it will be overwritten).

Run ferry --to_yaml [environment] [table] in your Rails directory to export to yaml:

$ ferry --to_yaml development users

Similarly, running the above command in the Rails directory will export the "users" table from the database connected to the "development" environment. A yaml file populated with the "users" table data will be created at /db/yaml/test/users.csv (the path will be created and if there is a users.csv it will be overwritten).


Ferry can import a csv file of validated records into a table of a Rails-connected database. The csv file must:

  • Have headers that match field names of the table
  • Have values that meet the table's constraints (i.e. required fields, correct data types, unique PKs, etc.)

Run ferry --import [environment] [table] [file path] in your Rails directory to import a csv to a database table:

$ ferry --import development users db/csv/import_data.csv

Running the above command will import the import_data.csv to the "users" table in the "development" environment.


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Ferry Ruby开发