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WebTorrent – Streaming torrent client for node & the browser。

WebTorrent 是一个可工作在node.js和浏览器的流BT客户端。它完全采用JavaScript开发,在浏览器中WebTorrent使用WebRTC (data channels) 来进行p2p传输。它可以不使用浏览器插件,扩展或安装。只有JavaScript。



  • Torrent client for node.js & the browser (same npm module!)
  • Insanely fast
  • Streaming video to many devices (including AirPlay, Chromecast, and VLC player)
  • Download multiple torrents simultaneously, efficiently
  • Pure Javascript (no native dependencies)
  • Exposes files as streams (and fetches pieces on-demand before torrent is finished
    • Fetches data from the network on-demand, so streaming and seeking are supported
    • Seamlessly switches between sequential and rarest-first piece selection strategy
  • Supports advanced torrent client features
    • magnet uri support via ut_metadata
    • peer discovery via dht,tracker, andut_pex
    • protocol extension api for adding new extensions
    • </ul> </li>
    • Comprehensive test suite (completely offline, so it's reliable and fast)
    • </ul>

      Browser-specific features

      • Uses WebRTC data channels for lightweight peer-to-peer communication (no plugins)
      • No silos. WebTorrent is a P2P network for the entire web. WebTorrent clients running on one domain can connect to clients on any other domain.
      • Stream video torrents into a <video> tag (webm (vp8, vp9) or mp4 (h.264))


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网络技术 WebTorrent