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Rails 应用快速开发工具:RailsBricks

RailsBricks 允许你快速的创建 Rails 应用,通过自动安装任务和配置有用的常用 gems。


Most web apps require some kind of authentication. RailsBricks takes care of implementing this for you and lets you chose between two schemes using the Devise gem: authentication with a username or with an email address. Trivial functionalities like "sign up", "confirm your account", "sign in", "forgotten password", etc, are generated automatically. On top of that, you also get an administration zone to manage your users.

User Interface

Build a stunning UI even faster! RailsBricks creates the common visual parts of a web app such as a navbar, pop up alerts, a main content area and a footer. Several different UI built on top of Bootstrap 3 are proposed. Easily override the default Bootstrap 3 settings using SCSS variables. The Font Awesome gem is also included.

Send Emails

Setting up your email parameters is easy. Enter your values such as your SMTP server address, port and user credentials in the app creation wizard and RailsBricks will generate your development and production initializers. If you use the Devise gem for authentication, emailing your users confirmation links and passwords reset links will use these settings.

Keep Secrets

By using and configuring the Figaro gem for you, your secrets are not shared. Your initializers are configured to use ENV variables stored in an application.yml file that will not get included in your Git repository. Application secret tokens are also not shared and get generated individually by your app. This is especially useful if you develop open source Rails apps.

Database Tool

RailsBricks generates your initial migrations with default data (such as an admin user) and offers you to create test users. As you build your app and add features, RailsBricks automates drop, migrate and seed operations by wrapping them in one single command line statement: rbricks -r. Choose your favorite development database engine: SQLite or PostgreSQL.

Popular Gems

Whether you need to implement paging or display human readable URL's instead of id's, several great gems are included in RailsBricks generated apps: Figaro, FriendlyId, Kaminari, Font Awesome, Devise (optional), Redcarpet and Bootstrap for Sass. Heroku production gems, PostgreSQL and Rails 12factor, are also included by default for easy deployment.

Blog and contact form

RailsBricks can generate the necessary resources for a Post object (controllers, user views and admin views) so you can easily implement a blog, a news page, a product update, a... well, you get it! It even includes the Redcarpet gem so you can edit your posts using the Markdown syntax! Also, a contact form is such a common feature that RailsBricks will create one for you if you so choose.

Set Up Git

The RailsBricks wizard offers to create a local Git repository for you and generates an augmented .gitignore file. If you opt in to create a local repository, you will also be prompted for an optional remote Git repository URL. Your initial commit is done for you and optionally gets pushed to your remote repository.

Actively Maintained

RailsBricks is actively maintained and new features are constantly in development. RailsBricks is free and open source, too! Have a look at the latest news to keep up to date with the most recent additions and follow @railsbricks on 推ter to stay in the loop. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, comments and questions. You created something awesome with RailsBricks? Please do tell and it will be showcased!


  • 使用 rbricks -n  替代 rails new 命令

  • 包括有用的 gems 和设置

  • 为你的 web 应用提供不同的 UI 选择

  • 创建和配置一个 Devise 身份认证模式

  • 为一个博客,添加联系表单等等的必要资源

  • 构建一个管理空间

  • 配置你的 mailers

  • 初始化本地和远程 git 库

  • 等等加速你 Rails 应用开发的特性


 本文由用户 jopen 自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流。所有权归原作者,若您的权利被侵害,请联系管理员。
Ruby开发 RailsBricks