HTML5资源集合:Awesome HTML5
HTML5资源集合:Awesome HTML5。
Table of Contents
- Articles and standards
- Elements </li>
- Semantics
- Accessibility
- DOM management
- Shadow DOM
- Data Binding
- Web Components </ul> </li>
- Client side storage
- Geolocation
- Performance
- Mobile
- Communications and interoperability
- Web Sockets
- WebRTC </ul> </li>
- Web Workers
- WebGL
- Browser compatibility
- Books
- Game development
- Videos and Keynotes
- Websites and resources
- Websites
- Weekly news
- 推ter </ul> </li>
- Contributing </ul>
- Audio and Video </li>
- embed tag
- Brief description from W3 Schools </ul> </li>
- source tag
- Brief description from W3 Schools </ul> </li>
- track tag
- Brief description from W3 Schools </ul> </li> </ul>
- Semantic elements from W3Schools
- Sections and Outlines of an HTML5 from MDN Document
- HTML5 Semantics from Smashing Magazine
- Google developers best practices
- Optimizing performance from Google Web Fundamentals
- Tutorials from Google
- Prefetching and prerendeding
- Image compression
- Text compression
- Resource timing spec
- Field guide to web applications
- Tutorial: developing a PhoneGap application
- Apache Cordova tutorial
- PhoneGap from Scratch
- Best practices for mobile web apps
- Build mobile apps with Kendo UI
- HTML5 Vibration API
- HTML5 Battery Status API
- HTML5 Network Information API
- Sencha Touch tutorials
- Dive into HTML5
- HTML5: Up and Running
- Using the HTML5 Filesystem API
- HTML5 Game Development Insights
- Getting started with HTML5 Game Development from Mozilla Hacks
- Info, news and tutorials
- Opensource JavaScript game engines </li> </ul>
Videos and Keynotes
- HTML5 Developer Conference
- Polymer: declarative, encapsulated, reusable components
- Making the mobile web fast, feature-rich, and beautiful
- Dart: HTML of the Future, Today!
Websites and resources
- HTML5 Rocks (news, tutorials and updates)
- HTML5 Hub (developer community including articles, discussions and open projects)
- HTML5 Gallery (a showcase of sites using HTML5 markup and API's)
- HTML5 Doctor (tutorials and articles)
- HTML5 development guide from MDN
- W3C Highlights form June 2014
Weekly news
- HTML5 Weekly
- Open Web Platform Daily Digest
- Mozilla Hacks Weekly Articles
- Responsive Design Newsletter
- Daily Nerd
Other awesome lists
DOM Management
Shadow DOM
Data Binding
Web Components
Client side storage
Communications and interoperability
Web Sockets
Web Workers
Browser compatibility
Game development
Articles and standards
Media Elements
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