基于 JavaFX 的代码编辑器:RichTextFX
RichTextFX 提供 JavaFX API 的文本框,作为文本范围的样式。RichTextFX 是基础的富文本编辑器,还是带有语法高亮功能的代码编辑器。
RichTextFX 有着大量的扩展空间,比如,支持段落级样式,文本中的任意节点,包括样式信息的复制粘贴等。
- Assign arbitrary styles to arbitrary ranges of text.
- Display line numbers or, more generally, any graphic in front of each paragraph. Can be used to show breakpoint toggles on each line of code.
- Positioning a popup window relative to the caret or selection. Useful e.g. to position an autocompletion box.
- Getting the character index under the mouse when the mouse stays still over the text for a specified period of time. Useful for displaying tooltips depending on the word under the mouse.
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