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当你开发响应式网站时,需要做大量的测试和调整工作。而 BrowserSync 是一个基于 Node.js 开发。可以让你的这个开发和测试过程更贱快速,通过在多个设备上同步 URL、交互和代码变动来实现快速的同时多设备测试。

  • Action Sync

    Your scroll, click, refresh and form actions are mirrored to browsers while you test.

  • Code Sync

    Browsers are automatically updated as you change HTML, CSS, images and other project files.

  • Build Ready

    Easily integrated with task runners. Try our Grunt plugin or write your own.

  • Browser Support

    Instantly sync between your desktop, tablet and phone. Perfect for responsive designs.

  • Back-end Independence

    Ready to use with websites running on PHP, ASP, Rails and more. Fine with static files too.

  • Runs Anywhere

    Built on Node.js to support Windows, MacOS and Linux. Setup in less than 5 minutes.


 本文由用户 jopen 自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流。所有权归原作者,若您的权利被侵害,请联系管理员。
测试工具 BrowserSync