FastLZ 压缩 10 亿字节的文本文件,更多内容请看基准测试结果。
支持 Microsoft Windows, Linux,其他 Unix 系统,甚至是 DOS。在 x86, Itanium 和 UltraSPARC 机器上也能运行的很好。
blazing fast
FastLZ is very fast and thus suitable for real-time compression and decompression. Perfect to gain more space with almost zero effort.
"F" for freedom
Distributed under the permissive MIT license, FastLZ can be used in any open-source applications as well as proprietary applications.
no compromise
FastLZ is very lightweight, threadsafe and has extremely low overhead. Decompression even requires no memory. And that is still with portable ANSI C.
Runs just fine under Microsoft Windows, Linux, other Unix variants, and even DOS. Works equally well in x86, Itanium and UltraSPARC
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