HTML5 游戏引擎:CanvasEngine
Canvas Engine 是个 HTML5 Canvas 框架,也是个面向 2D 的视频游戏。Canvas Engine 能提供所有 HTML5 创建简单游戏的 Canvas,提供给游戏架构一个简单的 API。用 Canvas Engine 制作的游戏能兼容所有主流的浏览器,支持触屏设备和移动设备。
Low-level API
- Fullscreen support (Supported platforms).
- Multiple image file formats: DDS, JPG, PNG and TGA.
- Define a transparent color
- Scene Structure
- Overlay scenes
- Pause scene
- Multiplayer model
- Preloading
- Get the percentage of loading
- Elements Manipulation
- Manipulation : jQuery syntaxe
- Draw : HTML5 Canvas API syntaxe
- Utilities
- merge object
- class
- Dialog box with the outline
- Cursor
- Set an animation from a spritesheet
- Frequence and animation speed
- Sequence of multiple image
- Creating a custom animation with multiple sequences
- Display once, loop or temporary
Timeline (aka Tween)
- Easy to make interpolations effects
- 29 Effects :
- easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, etc.
- Loop
- Entities model
- Test collision with virtual grid
- Polygon intersection and Contains Point.
- Set maximum line width
- Display effect
- Line by line
- Character by character
- font file formats : TTF, EOT
- external fonts
- Google Fonts
- Fontdeck
- Typekit
- Multiple sound file formats: OGG, WAV, MP3.
- Fading effects
- Web Audio or SoundManager2
- Change tone screen
- Perform a flash
- Shake screen
Level Design
- Tiled Map Editor (
- Gleed 2d (
Save & Load
- Encoding with BISON.js
Spritesheet Management
- Access to input types: Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox360 Pad, Joysticks
- click, dbclick, mousemove, mouseup, mousedown, mouseout, mouseover*
- Multi-Touch with Hammer.js :
- hold
- tap
- doubletap
- drag, dragstart, dragend, dragup, dragdown, dragleft, dragright
- swipe, swipeup, swipedown, swipeleft, swiperight
- transform, transformstart, transformend
- rotate
- pinch, pinchin, pinchout
- touch (gesture detection starts)
- release (gesture detection ends)
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