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嵌入交互式全景图片的jQuery插件:Panorama Viewer

通过这个简单的插件,可以在您的网站嵌入交互式全景照片。持的现代主流的浏览器:Chrome, Firefox 和 Safari (桌面和移动端)。 在线演示

  $(".panorama").panorama_viewer({      repeat: false,              // The image will repeat when the user scroll reach the bounding box. The default value is false.      direction: "horizontal",    // Let you define the direction of the scroll. Acceptable values are "horizontal" and "vertical". The default value is horizontal      animationTime: 700,         // This allows you to set the easing time when the image is being dragged. Set this to 0 to make it instant. The default value is 700.      easing: "ease-out",         // You can define the easing options here. This option accepts CSS easing options. Available options are "ease", "linear", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", and "cubic-bezier(...))". The default value is "ease-out".      overlay: true               // Toggle this to false to hide the initial instruction overlay    });

嵌入交互式全景图片的jQuery插件:Panorama Viewer


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图片展示jQuery插件 jQuery插件 Panorama Viewer