HTML5 JavaScript 2D 物理引擎:Matter.js
var Bodies = Matter.Bodies; var Engine = Matter.Engine; var engine = Engine.create(container, options); var World = Matter.World; World.addBody(, Bodies.rectangle(300, 180, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 })); World.addBody(, Bodies.rectangle(300, 70, 40, 40, { friction: 0.001 }));
- Physical properties (mass, area, density etc.)
- Rigid bodies of any convex polygon
- Stable stacking and resting
- Restitution (elastic and inelastic collisions)
- Conservation of momentum
- Friction and resistance
- Constraints
- Gravity
- Composite bodies
- Sleeping and static bodies
- Original JavaScript physics implementation (not a port)
- HTML5 canvas renderer
- Mobile-compatible (touch, scaleable)
- Cross-browser (chrome, firefox, IE8+)
- World state serialisation (requires resurrect.js)
- Built in GUI for testing (requires dat.gui.js)
- Time scaling (slow-mo, speed-up)
- Broad-phase, mid-phase and narrow-phase collisions
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