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Circliful 是个用来展示统计数据的 jQuery 插件。

  • 用圆来显示统计的数据信息,不需要图片

  • 基于 HTML5 canvas 和 jQuery

  • 很多选项可以设置数据属性

Data Attribute Explanation Values Default
data-dimension Is the height and width of the element Integer 200px on 200px
data-text Will be displayed inside of the circle over the info element Alphanumeric empty
data-info Will be deisplayed inside of the circle bellow the text element (can be empty if you dont want to show info text) Alphanumeric empty
data-width Is the thickness of circle Integer 15px
data-fontsize Is the font size for the text element Integer 15px
data-percent Can be 1 to 100 Integer 50%
data-fgcolor Is the foreground colour of the circle RGB #556b2f
data-bgcolor Is the background color of the cicle RGB #eeeeee
data-fill Is the background color of the whole circle (can be empty if you dont want to set a background to the whole circle) RGB empty
data-type Full or half circle for example data-type="half" if not set the circle will be a full circle half empty
data-total If you want to display the percentage of a value for example you have 750MB Ram and at the moment are 350MB in use. You need to set data-total="750" and data-part="350" and the circle will show the percentage value 36,85% Integer empty
data-part See data-total explanation. Integer empty
data-border Will change the styling of the circle. The line for showing the percentage value will be displayed inline or outline. inline or outline empty
data-icon Fontawesome icon class. Every Fontawesome Icon without the "fa-" for example not fa-plus just plus. Fontawesome Website - Icons empty
data-icon-size Will set the font size of the icon. Integer empty
data-icon-color Will set the font color of the icon. RGB empty


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Circliful 其他jQuery插件 jQuery插件