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Monitorix 是一款自由开源的轻巧型系统监视工具。使用 Monitorix,你可以随时掌控 CPU 负载及温度、内存占用、活动进程、磁盘使用及温度、网络设备流量、网络服务等全方位的系统信息。Monitorix 需要 Apache Web 服务器来显示这些系统信息图表。

这个工具是专门用于监测Red Hat,CentOS,基于Fedora的Linux系统,但它还可以运行在基于GNU / Linux的发行版的,甚至它运行在UNIX的系统,如OpenBSD系统,NetBSD和FreeBSD。

Monitorix 特性

  1. System load average, active processes, per-processor kernel usage, global kernel usage and memory allocation.
  2. Monitors Disk drive temperatures and health.
  3. Filesystem usage and I/O activity of filesystems.
  4. Network traffic usage up to 10 network devices.
  5. System services including SSH, FTP, Vsftpd, ProFTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, POP3, VirusMail and Spam.
  6. MTA Mail statistics including input and output connections.
  7. Network port traffic including TCP, UDP, etc.
  8. FTP statistics with log file formats of FTP servers.
  9. Apache statistics of local or remote servers.
  10. MySQL statistics of local or remote servers.
  11. Squid Proxy Web Cache statistics.
  12. Fail2ban statistics.
  13. Monitor remote servers (Multihost).
  14. Ability to view statistics in graphs or in plain text tables per day, week, month or year.
  15. Ability to zoom graphs for better view.
  16. Ability to define the number of graphs per row.
  17. Built-in HTTP server.


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