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为jQuery提供一些实用扩展API:Lithium for jQuery


  1. 数据类型声明: isDefined,isElement...
  2. 绑定,继承,命名空间...
  3. 观察模式(发布-订阅模式) 可用于松耦合的模块/组件之间进行通信。
  4. IE8 JS 1.6 and JS 1.8 polyfills, like string trim, array forEach,lastIndexOf,filter,reduce...
  5. 浏览器检测(which is still useful in rare cases..like for statistics).

Lithium 依赖于jQuery。Lithium 划分开成模块,所以你可以只导入你所需要的使用的模块。


最新的Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Opera and IE8+.


Complete API documentation.


Li.isDefined(val) - 返回true如果val不是undefined.

Li.isElement(o) - Returns true if o is an instance of HTMLElement

Li.isNaN(val) - Returns true if val is NaN.

Similarly Li.isObject, Li.isString, Li.isBoolean.

jQuery already has $.isFunction, $.isNumeric etc.


  • Li.namespace(string) - Creates a global namespace.


  • Li.extend(base, obj) - Classical inheritence

    var myClass1 = Li.extend(Object, {      constructor: function (cfg) {          $.extend(this, cfg);      },      prop: "Lithium",      method: function () { return 1;},      statics: { //Special property to defined static methods/properties          staticProp: "prop"      }  });    //Create myClass2 using myClass1 as base class.  var myClass2 = Li.extend(myClass1, {      constructor: function (cfg) {          this.super([cfg]); //call base class constructor            //alternatively, this.super(arguments);          //or this.superClass().constructor.call(this, cfg);      },      //Override 'method'      method: function () {          //Add 1 to the result of base class 'method'.          return 1 + this.super(arugments);      }  });
  • Observable

    var Restaurant = Li.extend(Object, {      //Methods      salesOffer: function () {          this.fireEvent('freefood', '1.00 PM');      }  });  Li.observable(Restaurant, ['freefood']); //Make class a publisher    /*Subscriber/Listener*/  var HungryMan = Li.extend(Object, {      constructor: function (name, restaurant) {          this.name = name;          //Add listener          restaurant.on('freefood', function (time) {              console.log(name + ' says: Yay! free food!');          }, this);      }  });  /*----------------------------------*/    /*Demonstration*/  /*----------------------------------*/  var someRestaurant = new Restaurant();  var a = new HungryMan('man1', someRestaurant),      b = new HungryMan('man2', someRestaurant);    //Somewhere in a onclick event we execute...  someRestaurant.salesOffer(); //...this would call all listeners. In this case it will display..  //man1 says: Yay! free food!  //man2 says: Yay! free food!
  • Li.lbind(fn [, context, args...]) - Binds context and arguments to a function (like the JS.1.8.1 Function.bind). Argument list is prepended to fn.

    element.onclick = Li.lbind(function (val, e) {    console.log(this ===  element); //true    console.log(val); //10    console.log(e); //If IE9+, you'll get event.  }, element, 10);
  • Li.rbind - Same as lbind, except that arguments are appended to fn arugment list.

  • Li.forEach(obj [, callback, context]) - forEach on any object. For arrays, Array.forEach is called internally.

  • Li.uuid([len=10, hypenate=false]) - Returns a random UID with length 'len' and hyphenated if hypenate=true, as string.
  • Li.object.value(obj) - Returns all values of an object. Object.keys(obj) would return keys of an object.
  • Li.object.size(obj) - Returns the number of enumerable properties of the object.
  • Li.string.htmlEncode and Li.string.htmlDecode - Encodes/Decodes >,<," and &.
  • Li.format(formatString, ...) - A quick string format method

    Li.format('<div class="{0}"></div>, 'box');  Li.format('<div class="{cls}"></div>, {cls: 'box'});  //Both returns '<div class="box"></div>'
  • Li.dom(htmlString, ...) - Converts htmlString to DOM, inserts them into a document fragment and returns the fragment. Internally this uses Li.format for string formatting.

    var df = Cu.dom('<div class="{cls}" data-id="{id}"></div>', {cls: 'box', id: Cu.uuid()}); //DocumentFragment  document.body.appendChild(df);

Browser Detection

Li.isIE - will be set when browser is MS IE.  Li.isIE9 - will be set when browser is MS IE 9.  Li.isChrome  Li.isWebKit  ...similar for other browsers and versions  Li.isAndroid  Li.isIPhone  Li.isIPad  Li.isMobile - True if iPhone, Android, BlackBerry (Phone), Windows Phone or Symbian.    Additionally:  Li.browser.name - e.g. 'IE'  Li.browser.version - e.g. '9'  Li.browser.OS - e.g. 'Windows'  Li.browser.OSVersion (set if available) - e.g. '6.1'


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jQuery Ajax框架 Lithium for jQuery