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MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo

Robomongo 是一个基于 Shell 的跨平台开源 MongoDB 管理工具。嵌入了 JavaScript 引擎和 MongoDB mogo 。只要你会使用 mongo shell ,你就会使用 Robomongo。提供语法高亮、自动完成、差别视图等。


MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo

Full Power of MongoDB Shell

Robomongo embeds the same JavaScript engine (based on Mozilla SpiderMonkey), that powers MongoDB's mongo shell. It means that you can reuse your existing skills of MongoDB Shell in Robomongo!

Robomongo provides you with syntax highlighting, autocompletion, different view modes (text, tree, custom) and more.

With great power comes great responsibility. Robomongo will not stop you from executing "undesired" code. Be careful, as you do with MongoDB Shell!

Tip! Select any part of code and press Ctrl + Enter. Only selected code will be executed.

MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo

Multiple Shells

Open as many shells as you need. Every tab in Robomongo — is a MongoDB shell, fully isolated from each other.

You can have many opened shells for single MongoDB database, or many shells for many different databases.

Tip! Press Ctrl + T to open new shell, based on currenly opened.

MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo

Multiple Results

Robomongo executes your code in statement by statement way. That means that you will receive as many result as many statements you have.

This feature can assist you, for instance, when you would like to view and analyse documents side by side.

Tip! Press F10 to toggle results orientation from vertical to horizontal.

MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo


Robomongo provides you with autocompletion for all objects (and thus functions) that are known by JavaScript runtime, including autocompletion for databases, collections and even your document objects.

To assist Robomongo autocompletion — execute your code. This will make your objects available to JavaScript runtime, and autocompletion will work even for your custom functions and documents.

Tip! To see code of any JavaScript function, just type its name and execute (Ctrl + Enter)

MongoDB 管理工具:Robomongo



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Robomongo 数据库管理工具