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高性能的HTTP服务器:Bauk HTTP server

Bauk HTTP server 是一个linux/Unix下的高性能的HTTP服务器,完全兼容 HTTP/1.1,支持虚拟主机、别名,主机匹配、带宽配额、HTTP认证、文件缓存、CGI,完全支持 Perl、PHP、Python 和 TCL 等脚本语言。

  • Extreme Performance — Bauk provides higher performance for both static and dynamic content than any other Web server. For example, it's more than 3 times faster than Apache serving same tasks. See our Benchmarks, and BaukBench HTTP/1.1 benchmark tool and compare/verify yourself. Bauk has it's reputation with a reason
  • Single-Process Architecture — Architecture with most effective resource utilization. Uses only a single process
  • Low Resource Consumption — Bauk can use as little as 10% of system resources compared to Apache in a same configuration and usage pattern. For example, a typical Linux instance consumes around 2MB of memory. Can you say this is efficient? Suitable for dedicated and VPS servers
  • Advanced Memory Management — Bauk always returns memory to system. Does not hold unused memory but returns it to system for further use. Set 20MB for FileCache and observe the beast do it's work
  • Static and Dynamic Content — Complete ASP-like scripting environment for Server-Side JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python and Tcl. Ie. easy just like working with HTML files, scripts placed in Web directory automatically executed by Web server/interpreter. This page you are viewing, and entire Bauk Web site, is powered by Bauk/GromJS Server-Side JavaScript. See Bauk Forum app and other sites powered by Bauk/GromJS/PHP
  • Unlimited simultaneous HTTP connections / clients — Serves any number of simultaneous HTTP connections on a single machine/system without any performance penalty
  • Unlimited Virtual Hosts — Serves any number of Virtual Hosts on a single machine/system without any performance penalty
  • Dynamic Virtual Hosts — Add/remove hosts on-the-fly simply by adding/removing a directory, ie. www.domain.com → /path/to/www.domain.com/ without server stopping/restarting
  • RDP (Reverse Domain Path) Dynamic Virtual Hosts — Ie. www.domain.com → /path/to/com/domain/www/
  • OS Support and Portability — Linux and *BSD 32bit/64bit. Bauk requires no configuration, compiles on all systems out of the box in a single "make bauk" command. No dependancies to chase, versions, etc.
  • Easy & Intuitive Management
  • Stylish / Fancy Package
  • Security


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HTTP Web服务器