它是由一个controller和连接它的多个agent组成,用户可以通过web界面管理和控制测试,以及查看测试报告,controller会 把测试分发到一个或多个agent去执行。用户可以设置使用多个进程和线程来并发的执行该脚本,而且在同一线程中,来重复不断的执行测试脚本,来模拟很多 并发用户。
nGrinder的测试是基于一个python的测试脚本,用户按照一定规则编写测试脚本以后,controller会将脚本以及需要的其他文件分 发到agent,用Jython执行。并在执行过程中收集运行情况、响应时间、测试目标服务器的运行情况等。并保存这些数据生成运行报告,以供以后查看。
- Use Jython script to create test scenario and generate stress in JVM using multiple agents.
- Extend tests with custom libaries(jar, py). It's unlimited.
- Provide web-based interface for project management, monitoring, result management and report management.
- Run multiple tests concurrently. Assign the preinstalled multiple agents to maximize each agent's utilization.
- Deploy agents on multiple network regions. Execute tests on various network locations
- Embed Subversion to manage scripts.
- Allow to monitor the state of agents generating stress and target machines receiving stress
- Proven solution which is used to test huge systems having more than 100 million users.
- Do you want to see nGrinder? Check out our demo instance.
- http://ngrinder-demo.nhnopensource.org
- Login with id : user / password : user
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