Hermes FTP Server - Java开发的FTP服务器软件
Hermes FTP Server 是免费的跨平台的FTP服务器软件,支持RFC 959, RFC 2228以及RFC 2389,Hermes采用Java开发,注重安全性和可扩展性。
- Active and passive transfer mode.
- Customizable data channel ports (firewall friendly).
- Block transmission mode and mainframe record structure.
- ASCII, EBCDIC, and UTF-8 code pages.
- Data encryption via 128-Bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL/TLS).
- Authentication via implicit or explicit SSL/TLS.
- Network protocols IPv4 and IPv6.
- Data compression (MODE Z).
- Pre-configured Windows service or Linux daemon.
- Management of users and user groups via XML file.
- Global and group based bandwidth limits.
- Group based transfer volume limits
- Group based authorization model.
- User password encryption.
- IP black lists.
- Embedded web console for monitoring statistics, logs etc. via browser.
- Per-user and per-session statistics.
- Strong focus on extensibility and ability to integrate into different environments.
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