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ccrypt 是一个用于文件和数据流加密解密的命令行工具包,主要设计用于替换标准 Linux/Unit 的 crypt 工具(因为它使用的是非常弱的加密算法)。ccrypt 基于 Rijndael 加密方法,这是美国政府所使用的高级加密标准之一,提供非常强大的安全性保证,同时也提供了兼容 crypt 工具的兼容模式。

安全加密和解密的文件和数据流。    用法: ccrypt [mode] [options] [file...]         ccencrypt [options] [file...]         ccdecrypt [options] [file...]         ccat [options] file...    模式:      -e, --encrypt         encrypt      -d, --decrypt         decrypt      -c, --cat             cat; decrypt files to stdout      -x, --keychange       change key      -u, --unixcrypt       decrypt old unix crypt files    选项:      -h, --help            print this help message and exit      -V, --version         print version info and exit      -L, --license         print license info and exit      -v, --verbose         print progress information to stderr      -q, --quiet           run quietly; suppress warnings      -f, --force           overwrite existing files without asking      -m, --mismatch        allow decryption with non-matching key      -E, --envvar var      read keyword from environment variable (unsafe)      -K, --key key         give keyword on command line (unsafe)      -k, --keyfile file    read keyword(s) as first line(s) from file      -P, --prompt prompt   use this prompt instead of default      -S, --suffix .suf     use suffix .suf instead of default .cpt      -s, --strictsuffix    refuse to encrypt files which already have suffix      -F, --envvar2 var     as -E for second keyword (for keychange mode)      -H, --key2 key        as -K for second keyword (for keychange mode)      -Q, --prompt2 prompt  as -P for second keyword (for keychange mode)      -t, --timid           prompt twice for encryption keys (default)      -b, --brave           prompt only once for encryption keys      -y, --keyref file     encryption key must match this encrypted file      -r, --recursive       recurse through directories      -R, --rec-symlinks    follow symbolic links as subdirectories      -l, --symlinks        dereference symbolic links      -T, --tmpfiles        use temporary files instead of overwriting (unsafe)      --                    end of options, filenames follow


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加密 加密/解密软件包