jQuery 工具提示插件 PowerTip
PowerTip 是一个强大的 jQuery 工具提示插件,支持多种定位,支持跟随鼠标位置提示以及固定位置提示。
- Straightforward implementation
- Simple configuration
- Supports static tooltips as well as tooltips that follow the mouse
- Ability to let users mouse on to the tooltips and interact with their content
- Mouse follow tooltips are constrained to the browser viewport
- Easy customization
- Works with keyboard navigation
- Smooth fade-ins and fade-outs
- Smart placement that (when enabled) will try to keep tooltips inside of the view port
- Multiple instances
- Works on any type of element
- Supports complex content (markup with behavior & events)
- Small footprint (only 6kb minified)
- Actively maintained
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