SimpleExcel PHP - Excel文档处理库
这是一个简单而强大的PHP类库,支持包括生成和解析Microsoft Excel XML/CSV 格式的文件。
<?php use SimpleExcel\SimpleExcel; require_once('../your/project/lib/SimpleExcel/SimpleExcel.php'); // load the main class file $excel = new SimpleExcel('xml'); // instantiate new object (will automatically construct the parser) $excel->parser->loadFile('example.xml'); // load an XML file from server to be parsed $foo = $excel->parser->getField(); // get complete array of the table $bar = $excel->parser->getRow(3); // get specific array from the specified row (3rd row) $baz = $excel->parser->getColumn(4); // get specific array from the specified column (4th row) $qux = $excel->parser->getCell(2,1); // get specific data from the specified cell (2nd row in 1st column) print_r($foo); // echo the array ?>
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