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云存储及文件分享工具 Syncany

云存储及文件分享工具 Syncany
Syncany 是一个开源的云存储及文件分享工具,灵感来源于 Dropbox 和 JungleDisk 。它不同于我们之前介绍过的 SparkleShare ,SparkleShare 只能用 Git 池作为存储空间,而 Syncany 则可以利用 FTP, Box.net, Amazon S3, Google Storage, IMAP , Picasa, WebDAV, Windows Share (NetBIOS/CIFS) 和 Rackspace Cloud Files 等大量的在线服务作为远程存储空间。并且所有的数据都是经过本地加密后上传的,保障了安全性。

  • Data encryption: Syncany encrypts the files locally, so that any online storage can be used even for sensitive data.
  • Arbitrary storage: Syncany uses a plug-in based storage system. It can be used with any type of remote storage.

Even though Syncany is still under heavy development, it already supports a wide variety of different storage types:

  • Local Folder: uses any local folder as storage. This could be any mounted device, network file systems (NFS), or any virtual file system based on FUSE.
  • FTP: uses an FTP folder as remote repository.
  • IMAP: uses an IMAP folder as remote storage. Stores file chunks as e-mail attachments.
  • Google Storage: uses a bucket in the Google Storage service as repository.
  • Amazon S3: uses a bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service as remote storage.
  • Rackspace Cloud Files: uses a Cloud Files container as remote storage.
  • WebDAV: uses one folder in a WebDAV as remote storage.
  • Picasa Web Albums: encodes the file chunks in images, and uses a Picasa album as repository.
  • Windows Share (NetBIOS/CIFS): uses a Windows share as data repository.
  • Box.net: uses a Box.net folder as data storage.
  • SFTP/SSH: uses an SFTP folder as data storage.

云存储及文件分享工具 Syncany


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