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ActionScript的OAuth官方开发包 - ActionScript OAuth

ActionScript OAuth 是 Adobe 官方的一个 ActionScript 编程语言的 OAuth 的开发包。兼容其他任何OAuth 2.0服务,像非死book平台、Google APIs、推ter APIs以及其他服务。

// set up our StageWebView object to use our visible stage  stageWebView.stage = stage;    // set up the call  var oauth2:OAuth2 = new OAuth2("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", LogSetupLevel.ALL);  var grant:IGrantType = new AuthorizationCodeGrant(stageWebView,                     // the StageWebView object for which to display the user consent screen                                                    "INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE",          // your client ID                                                    "INSERT_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE",      // your client secret                                                    "INSERT_REDIRECT_URI_HERE",       // your redirect URI                                                    "INSERT_SCOPE_HERE",              // (optional) your scope                                                    "INSERT_STATE_HERE");             // (optional) your state    // make the call  oauth2.addEventListener(GetAccessTokenEvent.TYPE, onGetAccessToken);  oauth2.getAccessToken(grant);    function onGetAccessToken(getAccessTokenEvent:GetAccessTokenEvent):void  {      if (getAccessTokenEvent.errorCode == null && getAccessTokenEvent.errorMessage == null)      {          // success!          trace("Your access token value is: " + getAccessTokenEvent.accessToken);      }      else      {          // fail :(      }  }  // onGetAccessToken


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OAuth OAuth开发包