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3D多机器人动力学仿真 Gazebo

Gazebo is a 3D multi-robot simulator with dynamics. It is capable of simulating articulated robot in complex and realistic environments.


  • Simulation of standard robot sensors, including sonar, scanning laser range-finders, GPS and IMU, monocular and stereo cameras
  • Models for commonly used robot types such as the PR2, Pioneer2DX, Pioneer2AT and SegwayRMP
  • Realistic simulation of rigid-body physics: robots can push things around, pick things up, and generally interact with the world in a plausible manner
  • Compatible with ROS and Player
  • Stereo camera model: generates stereo image pairs, disparity and depth maps
  • Plugin models: users can develop their own robot/sensor models, and have these models loaded dynamically at run time
  • Skins: simple geometric models may be augmented with realisitc 'skins' from 3D modelling programs
  • Gazebo is free software, released under the Apache 2.0 license. You are free to use, extend and modify Gazebo according to your needs, but we would appreciate it if you would send us your patch.
3D多机器人动力学仿真 Gazebo


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