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基于Node.js的PDF工具包 PDFKit

PDFKit 是一个用来在网页上查看和下载 PDF 文档的工具包。

  • Vector graphics
    • HTML5 canvas-like API
    • Path operations
    • SVG path parser for easy path creation
    • Transformations
  • Text
    • Line wrapping
    • Text alignments
    • Bulleted lists
  • Font embedding
    • Supports TrueType (.ttf), TrueType Collections (.ttc), and Datafork TrueType (.dfont) fonts
  • Image embedding
    • Supports JPEG and PNG files (including indexed PNGs, and PNGs with transparency)
  • Annotations
    • Links
    • Notes
    • Highlights
    • Underlines
    • etc.
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'  doc = new PDFDocument    # Embed a font, set the font size, and render some text  doc.font('fonts/PalatinoBold.ttf')     .fontSize(25)     .text('Some text with an embedded font!', 100, 100)    # Add another page  doc.addPage()     .fontSize(25)     .text('Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 100)    # Draw a triangle  doc.save()     .moveTo(100, 150)     .lineTo(100, 250)     .lineTo(200, 250)     .fill("#FF3300")    # Apply some transforms and render an SVG path with the 'even-odd' fill rule  doc.scale(0.6)     .translate(470, -380)     .path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')     .fill('red', 'even-odd')     .restore()    # Add some text with annotations  doc.addPage()     .fillColor("blue")     .text('Here is a link!', 100, 100)     .underline(100, 100, 160, 27, color: "#0000FF")     .link(100, 100, 160, 27, 'http://google.com/')    # Write the PDF file to disk  doc.write 'output.pdf'


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Node.js PDF工具包