高性能的 RPC 框架 nfs-rpc
nfs-rpc 是一个抽象的高性能的 RPC 框架,基于 mina/netty/grizzly/aio 实现。
- client proxy,so u can call remote just like call local: UserService.getById(id);
- server reflection,so u can intergrate the rpc framework with difference server implemenation,such as spring;
- server direct call,u can implement a specify interface to provide for client call;
- single or multi connections,in most case,single connection is enough,but in some cases,u'll need multi connections;
- connection reuse,so u don't need block user thread to wait for connection;
- synchronize call,rpc always need synchronize call;
- timeout,u cann't wait for server return response forever,so u need timeout policy,especially for online app;
- multi or custom serialize protocol(java/hessian/protobuf);
- custom your protocol.
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